We require the average duration of all your trades to be greater than 2 minutes, you can find this information on your dashboard (“account metrics” page > “insights” tab)
To be clear, we understand some trades may have a duration of less than 2 minutes, and this is ok, we simply require the majority of trades and the average duration of all trades to exceed 2 minutes.
It is required that at least 50% of your gross requested profit comes from trades that exceed 2 minutes. If the total profit from trades lasting less than 2 minutes exceeds 50% of the gross requested amount, the rule will be breached.
If you pass the assessment but breach this rule, you will be required to restart the evaluation from Phase 1. If this breach occurs during the qualified stage, all profits made will be removed, and the account will be reset to the initial balance.
This is in place to prevent Tick scalping and high-frequency traders attempting to manipulate our price feed offered in good faith.
Please note that this rule applies for ALL accounts